I cooked for my boss

My unofficial boss is in town. I cooked for her! I made her pesto tortilla pizza with sundried tomatoes and a burrito with eggs, bell pepper, onions, cheese, and avocado. The pizza was great, the burrito was very good but could have been even better with some salsa or sausage. 

This is the woman I worked for in Mozambique and I respect her knowledge of agency processes and policies tremendously and she respects my knowledge of energy tremendously. She downloaded hours of wisdom to me tonight. 

She leaves for another position in a month and I'm doing her job until a replacement comes. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Kremlin elites are alarmed by what a total cock up the war is. They have tried explaining that the economic impact will erase two decades of growth. 

Inside the Federal Security Service (successor to the KGB), people are growing frustrated with the failure of the invasion. 

Russian and Belarusian players are banned from Wimbledon. 

At the G-20 meeting, when Anton Siluanov, The Russian finance minister, began to address the meeting, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, US Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell, European Central Bank President Chrstine Lagarde, European Commissioner for Economy Paolo Gentiloni, and Canadian Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland walked out. 

The organization that oversees the credit-default swaps market ruled Wednesday that the Kremlin failed to meet its obligations to foreign creditors when it paid in rubles instead of dollars. 

Alcoa Corp, an aluminum maker, suspended sales of bauxite to Russian companies. 

The US targeted another Russian bank, loads of firms owned by a Russian oligarch, and, for the first time, a cryptocurrency mining firm in new sanctions, to punish those trying to evade sanctions. 

Renowned British architect Normal Foster met with the mayor of Kharkiv, other Ukrainian officials, and academics from Oxford and Harvard to discuss rebuilding. 

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