
By Hillyblips

Sunflowers For Lunch

I just couldn't help myself! I saw this little chap being so colourful enjoying the sun that I had to blip him ..again!

It's been a strange sort of day. I got up very early to go to London with No 1 daughter only to be rung up at 7 o'clock asking if we could put it off till later in the week. Instead we spent a lot of time in Hobby Craft trying to work out how to make giant eggs for her next surreal piece of art work. Threw open the curtains to a gorgeous roe deer - what a lovely start!

I then had to make friends with Tam's new flat mate - a very cute Mountain Lion rabbit called Peanut. Shaking my head here in amazement and despair! I even went so far as to buy it some treats - little twiggy thingys - why? All the doubting 'What ifs......?' about it came to mind but fell on deaf ears. Having said that I am now looking at it as blip potential.

Had another crack at the nuthatches quickly this afternoon just couldn't resist him - you can even see his tongue! Saw the most lovely chiffchaff flitting about too.

Off to yoga shortly but had no supper!

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