By lizzie_birkett

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…cloud of the UK I thought. Then I saw that the top was severed and thought - is it an omen? Scottish independence? I have a lively imagination :-)
Many of my friends a relatives up there do want independence and I can’t say I blame them. I wish the whole of the UK could be separate from Westminster!

Anyway, in other news, the ukulele lesson with the lady - Janet - was OK except I should have set a time limit as I think she would have stayed all day! In fact she actually said that when I said we’d try to get through as much as we can, and she said, ‘Oh, I’ve got nothing else on all day so I can stay as long as I like’. Hmmm.
However she was quite an interesting lady and told me she had been born deaf and remained deaf for 60 years until she bought a top of the range hearing aid (£3,500!) and has been able to hear as good as anyone for the last 16 years! She doesn’t know why her parents didn’t get her seen as a child. 
I’ve arranged to see her twice more before we go away on the boat.

Talking of deaf, I’ve had bunged up ears since yesterday, I can hear but sometimes it sounds echoey and I feel a bit unbalanced…well I normally am anyway Haha!

2 poems tonight, the first is yesterday’s effort.

What I Learned as a Small Child

That a runcible spoon is not a soup ladle
That a Shetland jumper is not made with pony hair
That going to confession made me tell lies
That a giant would not fit under my bed
That ‘we’ll see’ nearly always meant yes
That sucking my thumb would not make it shrink
That Miss Wilson would never be my mummy
That marigolds grew from crescent moon seeds
That Mrs Birch wore knee length bloomers
That ‘borrowing’ mum’s roll-on suspender girdle
under my gymslip was not my best idea
That sulking would not get me what I wanted
That determination would get me anything

Day’s End

As dusk descends on our village
mums and dads are calling
their children to come inside
and one of them is bawling
he wants to stay out late
and tries his best at stalling
I wish I had half their energy
for very soon I’ll be falling
asleep on the sofa, watching telly…

And I really will, I haven’t seen the end of Gentleman Jack three nights running so have to catch up before we watch the next one :-[]

Goodnight Blippers
Thanks for the comments, stars and hearts. You’re all so kind :-)X

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