On the mend

Ottawacker Jr., that is, not Manchester United. (My God they were woeful.)

OJ has developed a cough, which in truth has been there since we were outside doing the Easter Egg Hunt, but it is not getting worse and his energy levels seem good. 

I managed to chip a tooth on Saturday (baguette was over crusty) and as I have not yet tested positive (are these rapid tests any good at all?) the dentist was willing to see me. I manage to get in, get a filling, get out and get home within an hour. Didn't even need any numbing for the filling.

Just as well, because I think the dentist gave it all to Manchester United. A 4-0 win - and Liverpool played for about 60 minutes as if it were a practice match. It was ideal recovery after that FA Cup semi final. How often can you say that about a game against your fiercest rival?

Started feeling a bit crappy in the evening... worth testing again? God knows.

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