Windsurfer -Stromness Day 5

It’s been quite an exciting day when daughter#1 finally managed to travel up to Orkney to meet and stay with me for 4 nights. Having been thwarted at coming with me on the boat at the weekend , she was booked on the 9:30am flight from Inverness only to have the car she was getting a lift in from Cullen to the airport break down in Forres. At the last minute she managed to get a taxi that got her to the plane with minutes to spare. Such is life, but not good for this Lady’s blood Pressure.

We had time for a coffee in Kirkwall before bussing through to Stromness and a dip in the sea to release the stress.
The sea was what I would call lively but the dook was very therapeutic with the advantage of having only to walk a short distance to the slipway.

We have walked round some of the policies this afternoon but are now sitting outside in the sun with our cider and popcorn. This weather is amazing and life is good.

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