
We went to toddler group today - jess and Sara also went - melody enjoyed singing and finally starting to do the actions she does at home outside :)
She surprised me today by getting on a scooter and doing it well! They must have one at nursery..?

Then home for nap and lunch - eggs, cheese, crackers, avocado, cuc - she ate it all! And snack at group (eating for Britain atm) also made dinner - lemon chicken and rice

Then to get script, petrol, milk and baby lab - melody did a vidoed experiment to see if she understands regional dialects - she loves going as they have toys, drawing, jungle mural, ballons, prizes, biscuits! Toddler heaven! The pic is melody on campus - it's changed since I went! A lot!

Then to drakes circus mall to get ems skirt in top shop - and I wanted tights in primarni - ended up buying 3 tops, a skirt and 2 leggings for £22 - shocking really

Then melody had been saying park all day - so we went to the park for a go on the swings/slide - it was packed :( school kick out time!

Dinner and currently melody is in the bath - I'm out to get lashes redone once she's asleep - had nappy off time tonight (I never really do it..) and wee wee every where.. Now I remember why... Dreading potty training!

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