A Walk Through Deb's Life

By debsthoughts

Early Morning Shadows

Man, what a blow that Boston Marathon tragedy was yesterday. I feel like I got kicked in the gut. I was watching the news again this morning before I got out of bed and I found myself covering my eyes over and over again when they replayed (for the 15th time) this one gory scene. I finally came to my senses and turned off the TV. What a relief. My attitude is darkened this morning. But I'm trying, really trying, to focus on the good and positive things that occurred in the midst of it all. There are many if we look for them. But only if we see them for what they are. It's true every day, of course, but on some days it's more important and more difficult.

I looked out my window this morning shortly after turning off that TV, and this is what I saw: Early morning shadows. It's a new day, fresh and clean and bright. It was a moment of clarity.

There is far more good in the world than bad. Today I'm trying to not let the bad overshadow all the good.

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