Sunshine from dawn to dusk

This morning Ann woke up quite early, looked out of the window and saw the most beautiful sunrise. She thought about waking me up and taking me for a very early walk but decided to have more snooze time instead.

I went out for my morning walk at about 8am and it was so lovely down at the beach. The sun was shining and the sea was turquoise.

….............And for the rest of the day we have mostly just chillaxed on our very sunny sun terrace. OMG it has been sooooooo hot......................... #summerhasarrived

Every now and again I have to pop up from where I'm snoozing to have a little look over the wall to see what is going on. …............There's usually nothing going on.

The sun is still shining.............................

Our weather app is telling us that sunset is at 20.22 tonight. Ann's thinking she might take me down to the beach tonight for an extra walk...............

….................Or she might just stay in and catch up on all her 'soaps'.


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