Is it a long barrow or is it not?

The answer is - nobody knows.

Low Moor
This enormous mound of earth, beside a road just off the A6, is thought by some to be a significant example of a Neolithic long barrow, whilst others insist that it is not a prehistoric monument at all. 

Long barrows, typically used for burial chambers thousands of years ago, are among the rarest burial monuments in Britain, making them especially important in our understanding of the period. The problem is that there has been no excavation at the site, so there is no evidence that it is what it is thought to be. However, there is no evidence that it is not. It has been said that it could be a spoil dump, perhaps from the building of the road, but then it would just be coincidence that it has the characteristic features of a long barrow. 

Low Moor is scheduled as a long barrow to protect it by law as a historic site. If it was one day found to be a genuine prehistoric monument, then it would be a very important one indeed. At the moment we can only look and wonder. 

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