Coast road walk

A hazy but pleasantly warm day. We decided to ho for a walk in the beach but timed it badly as it was high tide, onemof the highest at 9.1 metres so no sand . We decided to walk along the grassy track above. 

We took our time, looking at the different houses and deciding  which one we liked the best.   There were a few that would have suited except , being the practical one, I wouldnt have wanted to live there during winter when the wind is strong and the waves are powerful and a high tide means the roads are flooded. .. and possible the houses. It's bad enough getting house insurance when we live 1000 metres from a 'large body of water' so itd be much more expensive if it's only 20 metres away 

Years ago ( 60+) there were no houses there only small wooden holiday homes. I remember staying in one when I was about 5, peaking out of the curtains at night to see the Morecambe illuminations. 
 Gradually these wooden buildings have been replaced with brick bungalows and are now permanent homes. Most set back from the road with gardens.

Until a couple of years ago the place I'd stayed in was still there in the large garden, looking a bit dilapidated but it was nice to see. 
But someone bought it , demolished it and proceeded to build an enormous house which dominates the road. It is so big that there is no garden to speak of and it looks wrong amongst the bungalows. 

We walked a good way along and as we made our way back the tide had crept back and there was some sand so we clambered down to the beach and walked back there.

It was very relaxing walking along listening to the swoosh swoosh of the waves.

Thank you for all the lovely comments and the stars. 
I hope everyone is well

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