
The Penny Farthing
The May theme for our Photographic Group meeting is ‘Transport’ - Say no more!
(well someone had to . . . ) .
My problem is I took loads of shots just with the lighting at different angles etc, and I don’t know which to choose.
The shot I took with the light from behind was meant to be a silhouette, but the reflected light illuminating the top part of the coins gave it an unexpected ambiance, and became my favourite until I developed the last shot that I took with the light directly from above.
The ‘plinths’ in the top illuminated shot are in fact shadows of the coins.  This image is vertically SOOC.
So which one to blip, and which will be an extra, I’ll take pot luck when I upload, and you can work it out . . .
My short list was four images, and all are on Flickr.  The two not on Blipfoto were the shots I was aiming at.
Tec details - all illuminated with a hand held white Cree torch taken on a white base (white cupboard door purchased a long time ago by Mrs W (on my card) for this sort of thing.
Many thanks to Sheol for hosting this month’s Tiny Tuesday.

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