
Worked, swam and shopped whilst managing a quick double exposure somewhere along the way. Why, you'd hardly believe it was the same man as here.

(Considering how I'm always taking self-portraits and mucking around with my face on here, I've only ever appeared on other people's blips a few times. It's not that I dislike having my photo taken, but it does feel a bit weird, I think it comes down to the lack of control over the final image ie no control whatsoever. Still, when jaybroek told me to go and stand against the fence on the way to the flicks last night I was happy to oblige. Can't believe that's what I really look like tho'...)

Right, back to today's subject matter, yesterday we had 'Andrew' and today we've got 'Weatherall', namely because I've listened to the album by his new project loads since a purchase of it yesterday. It's absolutely Magic (and yes that is 'Magic' with a capital 'M').

So, rather than just give you a link to summat off the new album I'll leave you with a few links to some of his various endeavours over the years as well. Listen at your leisure.

Primal Scream / Sabres Of Paradise / Two Lone Swordsmen / The Asphodells

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