
The first spring Common Hepatica in our woods had it's first flowers already during last weekend, but it has been so cold that it opened it's petals fully just now. I noticed the flower as I got back home from work..

Some days ago there was a writing in a journal of a local "self-learned weather-prophet", who told that the summer will be very warm this year in early june and also in late august and september. If I remember right, in late june and all of the july is maybe cooler than normal, he said. This man had made his predictions according to the squirrels's fur. Some of these finnish "common people weather-forecasters" watch frogs or leaves of trees.

I wonder if we here in Finland are the only ones, who have these kind of self-learned common people weather-forecasters? Do you have any?

It is just lovely to walk outdoors, as the roads first time in 4 months are not covered with ice! I really miss for the long and warm summer days! However in our backyard there is still some 20-30cm snow. Despite of the wonderfully rainy day yesterday. We'll see, when it will be gone....

Thanks for your kind wishes yesterday. Very kind of you, I hope you have had a good start to your week! Looking forward to your wonderful blips!!! Took even some chocolate while waiting...


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