Where's There's Smoke, There's . . .
It's been another hot one today in Southern California. I can't imagine being on the frontlines fighting the fires in Santa Barbara (which is about 2 hours northwest of here). The devastation in that community is awful. I think this nation's midwest section was devastated today too by weather storms.
So after shutting off the air conditioning when dinner was finished this evening and while opening-up the house, I noticed an awful sight across the meadowland. This northwest corner of our city is surrounded by wild parkland that is overgrown. Behind our house the vegetation has been mowed down, but in the places a little ways from here where it hasn't, it is a serious fire hazard. So I was alarmed when I saw the smoke, but I could also detect by watching the smoke that it was not a raging fire. Within minutes, thankfully, the smoke was gone and I heard sirens coming from several directions. Relief!
It's been a long hot day, and even though everything has felt a little out of focus, I have made some good progress doing paper-work while wearing my teacher hat.
Hope everyone has a great Saturday. I'm looking forward to seeing what all of you will capture in your cameras.
Good night from the entrance to this weekend!
Rosie, aka Carol
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