Club 107

By club107

Blossom very early doors

Another year another few dollars, our eldest about to go with her boyfriend on holiday so I thought that this was a good opportunity to do it.

The stream of consciousness persists in my head as does the tinitus inspite of me being told that I have a 3% deterioration in my right ear thanks to a concert, back when I did this regularly.

Again, we move forward, some nice new things, some others I could do without but in the grand scheme of things, everything is fine. Amongst other things, family covid free- still, we've had a name change, got back full time to badminton, rediscovered in person yoga classes, discovered, oh so late the great and beautiful outdoors around this amazing nation and discovered the beauty that is truffle oil and parmesan on chips, yes absolutely stunning.

I hope that those who I used to follow regularly are keeping well.

The full series can be seen here


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