Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

This one’s MINE!

JR went off early to the gym, and then to Body Street. I’m still working up to it. Shame, I was doing so well for a while…

Another sunny blue skied day, but perishing cold! I really regretted that I hadn’t put my wooly hat on when we went for a walk round Bruntsfield. I got the bus home.

Elizabeth came to take Archie out today and they had a lovely long walk over the hills. She brought us THREE Easter Eggs! How kind. The diet can wait.

Hazel popped in when she came home from town and Elizabeth was still here, so a bottle of rosé and some nibbles were enjoyed. Much discussion about new purchases for Hazel’s upcoming holiday in the sun. 

I was quite excited today because my iPhone has updated and I now have facial recognition with a mask on. Great timing, as today in Scotland masks are not obligatory anywhere, though I wore mine on the bus and in the shop. 

Got a letter from the NHS re my physio - yes, 10 weeks since it was suggested. I did go to a private physiotherapist for a couple of sessions, but I wasn’t impressed at all with the advice (£65 please) so I’m hoping this is more helpful. (And free).

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