Kit's Year

By Kit267

A Walk With Dylan To Relax

A really long and frustrating day as Sushi was booked in for his operation. We had a phone call to bring his appointment time from afternoon to 8am. We got to the hospital for 7.50 and I left Sushi at the day surgery department. I went to the old yard to catch up with Mel and the guys from there and then went to the shops and had some lunch and pottered for a while killing time really. At 12.45 I had a call from Sushi and I was expecting to go and pick him up…he was telling me how he hadn’t been seen yet!

So I then sat in the car park at the hospital for the next three hours until he was ready to be picked up again. It was so frustrating as if I had known it was going to take all day
I could have gone home again! Anyway the main thing is that the operation went well and Sushi was ok after it all.

I was very glad to get out on a walk with Dylan to relax when I got home.

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