Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight

Easter Tradition

The 8 Paoskearls from Ootmarsum, t.i. the 8 Easter Young Men of Cathollic faith from the village of Ootmarsum walk hand in hand thro' the village from the meadow where the Easter Fires will be lid at dusk up to the central market square in the village. The eldest of the eight young men is to smoke a sigar and he's the first to hold hands with the 2nd eldest of the group of eight; like a ribbon them plus villagers hold hands and meander thro' the village and visit taverna's for a quick sip of jenever or beer. Their procession lasts for an hour at the least and all that time they sing repeatedly the song that Christ has risen.. .

The 8 young men, must originate from the village of Ootmarsum and be about 20 years of age and be unmarried and be of Catholic faith! They are to stay member of this group of 8 for 4 years... in which they are not to marry! And it is that every 2 years the group says goodbyes to the two eldest of its members and welcomes two Benjamin newcomers; so each will be member of this group for four consecutive years and is not to marry in those years.

Apart from those rules, they all wear a similar outfit as you can see; this type of beige trench-coat, black pants, black shoes and dark hat. 

It's been more than 15 years ago that I learned of this Easter tradition here in Ootmarsum (what's a long way from my home) and today I managed to get there and take some photo's. The weather was great and the procession lovely ~ I'm glad I got up there.

They say in Ootmarsum, that the origin of this Easter tradition may be from the 13th C AD; at the least since 1840 this tradition was registered in the annals. 
here a link with vimeo footage = scroll down a bit and click on the white arrow in red to start the vimeo

And thank you all for your kind reactions upon yester blip.. Yes worrying news for my youngest sister and my BIL here; all we can do is await the outcome of the therapies and in the meantime be keep hope and I'm here for them

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