Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2022 – Celebrate Easter Sunday

When we were kids, Easter was about chocolate bunnies and colored eggs. We are both so glad that today it is about forgiveness and eternity. You are going to live forever. You get to choose where you will spend eternity.

This morning our pastor was so full of vim and vigor; he was ornery, funny, sassy, and full of TRUTH. Have you heard Pastor Jack?

Five thousand people attended the 5:30 a.m. sunrise service and many more watched online. Then three more services -- 8:00, 10:30, and 1:00. We attended online at 1:00.

Do you know Jesus Christ? Are you afraid of what others will think of you if you claim to? I was. Now I realize it doesn't matter what "they" think. Those others aren't going to go with me when it's my turn to enter eternity.

On Easter Sunday two thousand years ago the tomb was empty. The evidence is enormous. If all the Bibles and every Christian book were destroyed, there is thorough evidence in secular writing to prove the case about Jesus. Jesus is alive. Do you know Him?

Jesus is not religion. Jesus is God. When you realize Jesus is alive, you become alive. He will transform your life. His plans for your life are better than your plans for your life. He paid the price for your sin. That’s how much He cares for you. Do you know Him? Easter isn't about religion; it's about eternity.

Pastor Jack's Easter message is meaningful. I invite you and encourage you to hear it. Here's the link:
It begins with a dark screen.

God's blessings to you this Easter,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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