Every Home Should Have One!
I would be surprised if anyone reading this didn't have a messy drawer! I would be envious, but my guess is that everyone, somewhere, has a mess - women tend to have at least one messy drawer in their kitchen whilst men often have a mess in their garage or workshop.
This morning, whilst making bolognese sauce, I needed to open a can of tomatoes, but my hand just wouldn't let me grasp the ring pull on the can. I remembered that many years ago I bought a little gadget that you hook underneath the ring pull, flip it back and hey presto, job done.
Well, it would be that easy if I could remember where the little gadget was! I have four drawers near my hob and searched every one - but couldn't find it. What a mess they were in!
Sometimes our lives are messy and we struggle with relationships, thoughts, feelings and even our self-esteem. As a Christian, I know that God accepts me as I am, but wants the best for me - He doesn't want me to stay "messed up" any more than I want my drawer to stay messy.
So what's the answer - I can either leave the drawer as it is, and have problems every time I want to find something, or I can clear it out, throw out or give to a charity shop what isn't necessary and then have a tidy drawer and feel virtuous into the bargain!
Does that mean the drawer won't get messy again? I think not, because life has a way of taking over and when we are busy, we just shove things into a drawer without giving any thought to its correct place - so I may very well have to sort out that drawer again and again.
In the same way, we need to keep coming to God again and again, asking Him to sort out our messy lives and He is more than willing to do that but we need to ask.
Francesca Battistelli sings a song called "Stuff" listen here and there is a line in it which says:
In the middle of my little mess,
I forget how big I'm blessed.
I am sure most of us have too much "stuff" and however much I dress this blip up and put a frame round it, this drawer will never look pretty but I reckon a lot of what is in that drawer could be thrown away and I wouldn't even miss it - so better go and start sorting and remember how much I am blessed!
P.S. In case you are wondering, the little gadget (and GadgetKid might like this!) is the bright blue thingy, just under the bright green timer at the top.
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