
By Valerie1940

You may say ‘I don’t believe it!’

If you follow my posts you will know about me and plants - my family say ‘don’t give her plants - she could kill artificial ones!’
Three weeks ago was was Mothering Sunday. At church they give everyone  a plant on the basis that, while not everyone is a mother, everyone had one. So, I got this one. It had three or four blooms  and some buds - now look at it - fantastic isn’t it!
How did that happen? You are right to say ‘I don’t believe it’! I actually forgot to take it home with me, I left it at the church!  A kind lady saw it , took it home and looked after it properly, put it outside, watering it and dead-heading. We didn’t have services for the next two Sundays due to illness.  Today was the first service since then so she brought it back for me. 
Poor thing - it is doomed now. I’ll stick it in a pot in the garden, it’ll have more chance there.

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