
Tiling has progressed into the scullery. About halfway finished.

Andre, the tiler, plasterer and painter is doing a fabulous job: he seems to be a master in his trade and his work seems faultless and perfect.

To the left is the outside kitchen door where I lost my balance and tumbled down onto cement steps, about ten years ago. I cracked bones in my elbow, and lately the 'old' injury seems to make its presence known, again!
I remember the day well as it was anounced that an iconof the SA music industry had died that day.

What happened must have been quite funny at the time. While I was standing with my back towards the half opened kitchen door, a lady from a tiling company was busy applying a seal to the floors. I was watching what she was doing.

I assumed that the bottom half of the door was closed, and stretched my arm backwards to rest my elbow on it.
Unbeknown to me, a breeze had blown it open. There was no door or support - just an empty space.

Quite a surrpise when there is nothing!

I had to wear an elbow strap/support, but it was so uncomfortable that I took it off within a day or two. Not wise.
Perhaps the reason why it makes itself known ...

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