Weird weather

Put the washing out this evening as it was blowing a gale - dried in about half an hour! Nearly blew away about 5 times though.

Then the sky went a very very peculiar colour - gunmetal grey with a sort of orangey/yellow glow to it - was convinced it was going to thunder...but it didn't.

What we did get for about 5 minutes was the most stunning rainbow I think I have ever seen - the picture does not do it justice (partly because it was raining a little and there were some spots on the lens filter). It was a full arch - shallow and wide, and above it, the was a crystal clear (to the naked eye) secondary rainbow, which made it even more wonderful. After whipping a couple of shots off, it faded very quickly starting at one end and just disappearing, like someone took a big eraser to it. I came upstairs to upload the photos, and the bloody thing came back, even brighter and clearer than before.

Very very weird light though this evening - some strange atmospherics going on. But still no thunder.

Shame - I'd quite like a really good storm right now.

Best moment of the evening was walking out to the shed around 9.30 after doing the weekly Asda shop, to find James and Corin, sat in silence - a deck chair each - reading their books - happy as pigs in muck. It was a really lovely thing to see.

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