As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

The 117th Boston Marathon

I'm finding it hard to put my thoughts about today into words.

This modern-day Boston Massacre brings so much pain to my heart. Thinking about all of those killed and injured, especially in relation to such a joyous and prestigious race, overwhelms me with emotions that I never knew I could feel. But runners, like Americans, are resilient, and I know that we will join together to support each other during this difficult time.

I feel like a jerk for going on and talking about my day, but I guess it's important to record what happens. Who knows who'll read this in the future?

It'll probably just be the nurse I hire to read it to me when I'm a senile old vegetable.

The girls had their only home meet of the season today. The boys set up all of the equipment before running our pre-meet day. I ran around screaming like a lunatic, cheering for the Wantagh girls at every turn of the track. I couldn't speak for an hour after the meet. I also had to run to Frazer's car to get the girls a baton for their relays...that was exciting.

The girls ran hard, and did our school proud.

My short shorts came today!

These are the senior girls, and Frazer and CaityMac.

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