A Writer's Life

By Awriterslife

A day to forget

Many things happened today, and they seem to all prove I shouldn't have gotten up this morning. Don't get me wrong: spring is finally starting, the day was warm, sunny, and you could almost smell the future flowers. I usually have Monday off to prep and grade, but I was replacing a colleague today. Never say no to easy money and the chance to teach something I didn't know much (good learning experience).
Here's what happened:
1. My very necessary sunglasses broke. Ok, who needs the two arms, anyways, you can manage with only one side.
2. The light in the bathroom died as I was getting ready. Couldn't for the life of me figure out how to fix it. Ah well, it's light out, I should manage.
3. At some point, the day was over, I had made it through, was exhausted, but hey, appointments had been made. The plan was to drive home, stop by my mom's for a delivery, then prep all night.
Plans are good.
4. And then, on the road, traffic suddenly stopped. And I managed to avoid the car in front of me that had stopped suddenly, but in doing so, was side swiped by a truck who was also avoiding the stopped traffic. I'm good, but the (new) car will need to be repaired. Badly.

So, no prepping, just relaxing after the panic and the stress. Will now work on not having a return of PTSD. Sounds like a pretty good plan. Oh, and this day? It can go... Somewhere else. Tomorrow will be better!

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