The Doors Of Perception Are Closed For Good Reason

On This Day In History
1943: Hallucinogenic effects of L.S.D. are discovered

Quote Of The Day
"The whole L.S.D., S.T.P., marijuana, heroin, prescription cough medicine crowd suffers from the Watchtower itch: you gotta be be with us, man, or you're out, you're dead. This pitch is a continual and seeming MUST with those who use the stuff. It's no wonder they keep getting busted."
(Charles Bukowski)

While I am not a fan of Bukowski, he's spot on here. Exhibit A:

"Life lived in the absence of the psychedelic experience that primordial shamanism is based on is life trivialised, life denied, life enslaved to the ego."
(Terence McKenna)

Perhaps I'm bitter because my life is trival, denied and enslaved to the ego, but I think Terence McKenna was spouting irresponsible, life-threatening bollocks. I wonder if I am the only one who has an almost irresistibe urge to throttle the pretentious little twerp after a couple of minutes of this otherwise brilliant track.

This is what drugs give you; Dave Gahan knows.

There's beauty enough on this side of the doors; we should all be happy to wait until we die before we walk through them.

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