Remotivation cont.....

By Federico

Back in gear :)

Todays blip, taken whilst sat in le shed, pondering on what to do next ???? We had just finished fitting everything back into the engine bay, re-attached the driveshafts, suspension arms, wheels and gear linkages plus the clutch cable, when mark shouts try the clutch ? Without hesitation into the car and hey presto a decent pedal, then I fiddle and try the gears, forwards ones-fine but disaster, reverse won't even engage into position !!!!!!! Bugger !!!!!! Much tinkering later and still no reverse !!!!!! Two options beckoned, take it all apart again and pray we don't need a new gearbox or the scrappy loomed for its final resting place ????
But we try and try again, and then I have a brainwave lets take out the reverse light sender switch and see if the gear arm moves in the gearbox ??? Out it comes and yaaaay reverse gear suddenly works, dodgy switch unit probably seized or disturbed by the clutch removal/rebuild sequence ????
So another switch needed and le shed continues its epic journey through motoring happiness :p
Hope you like the blip, I do, a reminder of todays lows and highs ;)

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