One Month Old

A whole month since Conor was born. On the one hand, can't believe a month has passed, on the other, already find it difficult to remember what life was like without him. He is starting to try to play with his toys, he stares very intently at our faces and he is beginning to smile.

We took a trip out to the Fort today - haven't been there for ages, since Orla's babyhood actually! She got a new pair of trainers, Conor got some new clothes with some of the vouchers/money we have been given as gifts and I bought a sling from Mamas and Papas for carrying him around the house. I have been using a shawl, like my Mum used to, but I find I have to adjust it too frequently for it to be useful. And Conor wants to be held so much that I think a sling is a worthwhile investment. I have an Ergobaby, but it's more for carrying him when out and about. Rather annoyingly though, when I got it home I discovered that it was the wrong thing in the box, so I'll have to take it back tomorrow.

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