Our special map
This morning we had our final committee meeting before the Walking Festival starts on 27th April. We checked that all the walks have been pre-walked, that first aid kits are ready, phone numbers for leaders and backups, etc., etc., etc. We have a fairly well oiled machine for this, after doing it for a number of years.
There is a "first" this time, in the form of an exhibition about the history of the Festival. This is our 10th anniversary and our 21st festival. One of the exhibits in the festival is an ordnance survey map based on Haltwhistle. Marie and Tony have added pins and coloured threads to show just a few of the walks we have done in the area. It looks wonderful and will delight the keen map readers. This image is of part of it. I've combined in a second image of the unique map title.
(I see the physio tomorrow, not a moment too soon. Arth is playing up a lot today for no obvious reason.)
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