Ronald Rae

Today's the day ..................... for gems

We took the girls to Creetown today, where there is plenty to keep everyone amused - young and old alike.

First a visit to the Gem Rock Museum, where Tessa and Josie were introduced to the sparkly, shiny side of geology - and Tessa did an excellent quiz sheet where she had to find minerals of different colours.  A spot of lunch in the cafe went down well too.

Then, it was on to Creetown's best kept secret - another gem - but this time the rather abandoned-looking Sculpture Park containing fantastic granite works of art by the Scottish sculptor, Ronald Rae.  We came upon it unexpectedly one day when Will was picking up a bottle of whisky from Whiskybroker Ltd.  The sculptures are in the grounds next to the enormous bonded warehouse - and open to anyone who wants to see them.  

It's still a bit of a mystery to us why they are there?  Quite a few of them were apparently on display at the Falkirk Wheel and other prestigious venues over the years since the 1990s.  They are quite wonderful and it's a real joy to see them.  Needless to say, the girls loved them too .................

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