Emily Clicks

By emilyclicks


My highlight of the day? Meting Peter. A lovely guy who works with Alex Telfer - a photographer from the North east whose work I admire very much. Peter came into our office with Alex's portfolio to show us his latest stuff. Amazing. Even the portfolio itself - an A2 bound book with a debossed black cover - was stunning! He left behind samples for us as a reminder of his work...as if we'd need a reminder! I've always liked his stuff, it would be great if we get to work with him in the future.

I'm not sure about photographing other people's photographs! Although I have tried to keep it to a minimum. Maybe if put a link to his site, and say again, that I was truly impressed with his work, he might let me off should he ever see this!!

Oh, one other thing happened today - I was invited to be a judge of a children's drawing competition! Short notice, as the judging was today, but it was so cool! I did feel awful for the poor kids whose drawing were rejected - they were all so sweet! But well done to the winners!

Happy Friday all...have a great weekend.

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