Surprise Package

I got back from golf this morning to find that Kate & Sophie had come over unexpectedly. Sophie hasn’t been very well lately: having had bouts of sickness and stomach pains over the last 3 weeks, for the last few days she hasn’t been able to eat anything without being sick. 

They spent most of Tuesday afternoon in A&E in Bridgwater and the evening in the Children’s ward in Taunton hospital without the doctors being able to identify the cause. They suggested keeping a record of when she is sick and what she’s eaten to see if they can identify what triggers it.

They came over to try to take Sophie’s mind off it but she hasn’t wanted to eat anything since yesterday morning and was still being sick and getting very weak and listless. Fortunately  she was able to see the doctor at their local surgery who reckons it’s possibly Niro virus or salmonella - Sophie’s a bit of a fan of Kinder eggs! - and suggested a couple of days on a water only fast. Hopefully that will do the trick.

Another surprise was a parcel from the daughter of Tess’s Aunt & Uncle, who both passed away during lockdown, containing some photos she’d found while going through their things. 

Most of them feature Tess’s parents and her Aunt & Uncle on the holidays they had together but among them was this family classic late 80s shot, taken on the morning of Tess’s brother’s wedding.

Tess’s Mum & Dad are far right, that’s me at the back centre, proving I once had jet black hair, and Tess sporting the trendy 80s perm. The angelic two in the front are Chris and Kate. It evenbrought a smile to Sophie’s face!

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