Curiouser and curiouser.

By karrieb85

Team work makes the Dream work...

Apparently. Not much really happened today so you get a lovely photo of K., and I's tea tonight! (by tea time, I mean dinner - such a regional way of looking at it). We made it together, not that its a hard meal to put together but just coz we were chatting =) It also looks slightly burnt but it wasn't - the tikka paste is really yummy.

It was quite nice not having to have potatoes or rice to accompany our Chicken Tikka and I still felt full. Great stuff!

Time to get back to revision I suppose...

Hope you've had a lovely Monday to ease you into the week =)

I really feel that I had to add to this entry following switching on the TV and seeing what had happened in Boston. I feel so sorry for the people who died or were injuried, and for their families after this horrible event.

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