
By Valerie1940

Book completed at last

Finally finished the book I was making. It is for the little lad  I am working with online helping him with his reading. At first he had major problems with reluctance to speak to ‘a stranger’ and hated the webcam showing him on the screen. We got round this by not using the camera except for the start and end of the session  - just working with audio - but I also got the dogs to ‘write’ a book just for him (he likes dogs) complete with photos of each of them. After 6 sessions he appeared at the beginning smiling at the camera and looking really happy. The teacher appeared too and said he had been mentioned in assembly that day for progress made in his reading - he was getting more confident reading in class !! Apparently he does not read at home so I thought it may encourage him if he had a book exclusive to him. I am going to send it to the school, of course, as we have no personal information about each other at all, so I hope he is allowed to accept it. I am glad I volunteered for this and very pleased to get the reassurance that I seem to be doing it right with this child anyway.

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