Cat among the tulips
Mostly dull, some patchy sun. Rain forecast, but no sign of it yet and it's now 4.45pm.
The back's a bit better today, so I went out on deck - no, I'm not on a cruise! - to pot up a few plants. Standing's more comfortable than sitting anyway so I potted up some young Furcraea parmentieri. These look rather like yuccas and are endemic to Mexico, growing only in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt. They're apparently hardy down to -5°C if grown on a dry, well-drained sunny bank, not a common location here in Oban. Apparently they might, if they survive, send up a flowering shoot in anything from 15-50 years! I won't wait up!
While I was outside, Susie joined me and posed by my bucket of Tulip 'Scarlet Baby', won in a raffle at the Photo Club before Christmas.
I walked down town after lunch to post a parcel and enjoyed(?) chats with a couple of friends en route. Conversations tend to consist either of moaning at the hopelessness of the council or the inhuman behaviour of Putin. I thought this quote appropriate, although it hasn't yet come true.
Quote of the Day - "Oh yes, war is doomed. It is doomed by the gradual growth of the introspective faculty in mankind . . . not today, nor tomorrow, but in the fullness of time, war will come to an end, not for moral reasons but because of its absurdity." - Thomas Hardy, 1901.
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