Jobs must go on . . . a NYMR double today. Main image shows 92134, built at Crewe Locomotive Works in 1957 . . .  the only survivor of its class with a single chimney. An apprentice empties remnants from the smokebox before she picks up the service to Pickering. Extra shows . . . Green Knight . . . with a bit more work to do. Painted in BR Brunswick Green livery, used on passenger engines, Green Knight has been a stalwart of the NYMR, including being passed to work to Whitby and Battersby on the national rail network. She was built in 1954. A crack in the firebox was identified in 2015 and she is currently awaiting attention . . . as you can see . . . no time soon. Clearly not all she is cracked up to be. The Tender looks OK and waits nearby. Stay safe everyone !

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