Information Retrieval

By Syetuttle

Spot The Dog

Now we can see Taylor, Not swift
Now Taylor, Not Swift can see us

She had a panic attack yesterday morning as I sat at the breakfast bar having my, erm, breakfast. Every morning Taylor, Not Swift usually gets out of her bed, in excited form, the moment I place down my mug after the last sip of coffee, expecting me to give her the walkies. In this case I was so high up in the high chair, she hadn't a frigging clue where I was as she looked at the brown chair (where I usually sit) and the sofa in the snug (where I sometimes sit). No sign of Sye Tuttle! It became obvious that her mullet styled fringe blocked her view (and possibly her 360° hearing) from being able to see me high up: I even called her name on numerous occasions, and Taylor, Not Swift totally freaked out.
But she was relieved when I eventually stepped down and took her out.

Oh, the joys of having a dog. If you have never owned a dog, you will never know of this joy.

Today's Wordle: Squad 5/6
A toughie! Stuck with _ _ u a d for ages.

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