The Return of TC

My Dear Princess and Dear Friends,

So. Hedgehog Update.

You may recall that we gave TC to Lady Next Door who had a tiny rescue hedgehog of her own. A local hedgie rescue centre was going to pick the pair up. 

Sadly, her tiny hedgehog died overnight and TC escaped

Lady Next Door opened her garage door and he SHOT out! Legged it! Buggered off!

Which made me wonder why we gave TC to Lady Next Door in the first place. Seriously. Useless.

But TC rocked up on our deck again last night. Caro brought her in (again) and we put her in a box (again) and TC made her displeasure felt by huffing and puffing at us which is hedgehog for "eff off".

And then we gave her to Lady Next Door (again). She had bloody well better do a better job this time. She reckons her hedgie people will come and pick TC up to tonight.

Other than that, all quiet here in Paraparaumu. I will keep you in the loop hedgehog-wise.


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