Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2022 Friday — Friends

Our evening was very enjoyable as we spent time at Tom & Joy's Cayucos home. The last time we savored time with them was January. So we did some catching-up.

They've traveled a bit since January, and they travel a lot so I couldn't begin to recite their itinerary, but I do know they've been to Hawaii with friends from SoCal; they all stayed with a couple who now live in Kauai. Listening as they tell about their travels is always fun. Kauai, Sedona, Las Vegas, Albuquerque are some of the places they have been to recently, and soon they will be gone again to travel and tour for 3 weeks in France.

They are only in Cayucos for a short 4-night stay this time, so it was extra special to get included on their schedule. Their son Scott and daughter-in-law Stacy, grandson Shane, and German foreign exchange student Martha, each dropped by individually throughout the evening. Tom & Joy's house becomes Grand Central Station for their family when the two of them get to town, and it's fun to see them all. They only one who didn't stop-in was younger grandson Sy.

During our lifetime we haven't had zillions of friends, but we have been blessed to have some special people who are close friends, actually friends who feel like family. Many of them do not live nearby. Sometimes we don't see them for months, and then when we do, it is as though we'd never been apart. Forever friends!

Our best friend, though, is Jesus. Many of our friendships have developed through our connection with the Lord. And as the famous song claims: "What a friend we have in Jesus."

And that was our Friday evening.
From California's Central Coast,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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