Family Baking Day

We got up early because we had ‘places to go, people to see and things to do.’ Hubby had a list of little items to finish in the camper and completed everything but the hot water heater check. He picked up my two baskets. I am almost embarrassed that I bid on the fine chocolates basket. You could not tell item sizes in the picture so I thought it was regular Easter basket proportions. No, I won a 15”x17”x11” basket filled to overflowing. Hubby brought Momma home with him. I finally got brave enough to make Jamie’s Keto coconut pie this morning. Will make the whipped cream topping tomorrow and hubby will deliver it. Since Kristen was making dinner, I threw together an apple crisp for dessert. Then Momma and I headed north to help Mack with her “how to” class project. She was very attentive to Momma’s instructions and documented all the steps. I recorded everything in pictures for her. The pound cake turned out beautiful. Now we have two grands who will carry on Momma’s pound cake legacy. I think today was the first time I took part in creating her masterpiece. Kristen and Chris made us a delicious steak, potato and asparagus early dinner. Momma had to stop at a grocery store so Chris took her home in time for shopping and getting to 6:00 pm Mass. We cleaned the kitchen and I monitored Mackenzie making the second pound cake. With 35 students in her class, she felt like they’d need two cakes. We cleaned up the second mess, I dropped off some apple crisp to Parker who stopped by as I was putting it in the oven. Got home at 8:30 pm and was way too tired to finish cleaning up my baking mess. There’s always tomorrow. Hubby had cut our grass and trimmed til 5:30. Our DIL invited him to share their low country shrimp and sausage boil so he didn’t need the meal from the Turners. Another successful weekend for us. I listened to a commentator on the way home describe and compare the horrors taking place in Ukraine to other genocides in previous generations. It makes me so sad to know we are personally helpless except to provide financial support to the innocent people. Stay safe everyone. Thanks for your visits and gifts. “If baking is any labor at all, it’s a labor of love. A love that gets passed from generation to generation.” – Regina Brett

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