A Lovely Time

The XR demonstrators were having a lovely time. With their nylon rucksacks, disposable plastic bottles, plastic throw away food containers, plastic GoPro cameras, resource intensive mobile phones, Fitbit watches (yes, really), disposable chain coffee cups. A plastic suitcase with a No Oil poster stuck to it. Eh?

But they were having such fun and a great day out in the sunshine sitting down in Oxford Street. Their message not seen by anyone on buses because those were diverted several blocks away so wouldn’t have gone near the middle class demonstrators.

I had a friendly discussion with a charming XR marshal. We concluded that the XR message meant we should all be walking round naked with no possessions. My cotton jacket was no good (water intensive). Phones were no good. Etc.

Bless them. They are going to be carrying on all week. Fits in well with the school holidays.

Oh, and two of them were grazing in John Lewis food hall without paying for what they were eating. 

From starting as a sympathizer I came away alienated. What a successful campaign.

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