Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


A smooth sail last night! A quick pop to the gym for JR. We arrived in Monte Carlo about 8am. Another tight little docking manoeuvre. And the bus drivers in Monaco are something else! They have such tight corners and had to back along a narrow pier!

Off we went to a perfume ‘experience’ near Eze. We were shown round the ‘factory’. Some wonderful old copper stills, a wee smell test game (which we failed miserably at) and then through the shop, where everybody spent up large. Though not us.

From there we walked up to the hilltop village of Eze. It was pretty crowded, but today’s guide took his time for all the slow people. 

Then on round the fabulous coast to Nice. We’ve been there before and we love it. We had a warm sunny calm day for it. First of all we had a drive round the city - we saw the magnificent ‘Hotel Regina’ up on the hill where Queen Victoria came and stayed every winter. And the ornate Russian Orthodox Church, the only one outside Russia (but I could be wrong about that…)

We then had an hour or two to wander at will, so of course a walk along the glorious beachfront was obligatory. And a sit down on the blue seats, looking at the incredible bright blue sea. The constant stream of people, dogs, cyclists, uni-cyclists, skateboarders, scooters was fascinating. Two armed soldiers strolled by. And two mounted policemen. I wondered (aloud) if they cleaned up after their horses as there are signs around about cleaning up after dogs. Later on we saw one of the policemen walking, leading his horse, while holding a spade laden with horse poo. So they do!

We had lunch in the cafe we remembered from our last visit, which, interestingly enough, seemed to be staffed with old men. And one grumpy young woman. But we had a nice sandwich and coffee. 

Back to the ship in time for a wee relax then down to a reception for ‘first timers’. We went to a restaurant we’d been to last week, but neither of us could quite remember what we had - which may have had something to do with the cocktail they serve - but tonight’s meal was excellent.

We didn’t see our Aussie pals tonight, but caught up with our label-loving Tom Jones fan and her toy boy husband. They’re good fun, but gosh, she’s VERY un-PC.

We didn’t go along to the jazz bar, maybe just as well…

Portofino tomorrow!

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