Spoiled for choice we was...
With not just one but two extreme right candidates.
With one who has desperately tried to distance herself from the family tradition and repackaged herself as definitely right, right of the right even, or perhaps right of the right of the right. But definitely not extreme right.
Because there is now another muppet who occupies the spot.
And this fine duet came in 2nd and 4th position.
Jesus wept (on his way to the gas chambers, for being too dark of skin and too frizzy of hair).
The second round of the French election will once more be about trying to block the rise of the Scary Faction. I am worried that there may be voters' fatigue with casting a ballot for someone they would never vote for, were it not to stop Marine Lepen.
It might actually have been a better outcome had Emmanuel Macron come slightly behind the Horned One. This would have led to a stronger counter-reaction. Let's remain vigilant, people.
Let's remain very vigilant.
Setting my alarm clock not to miss le deuxième tour in two weeks' time.
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