
By tadpoleview

Tools at rest - work over for today!

I did think of blipping a picture of a skip full of earth and clay, but decided one of the tools resting against the wall after they finished work for the day was a better idea. After all you can see the empty skip if you look back at Saturday's picture and a full skip looks pretty similar.

The tools will be back out later in the week when the slate chippings get laid, but until then they (and I !) get to do some less back breaking stuff.

I've been thinking lately about the different 'strengths' or 'talents' that different people have, and how we value them. Do we value those with what we think of as the 'more intellectual gifts' more highly than those that are 'more manual' (or vice versa), or do we just rejoice in the different gifts and abilities of different people and value them all highly. I'm sure that is the better way, but not so sure I always do it! Food for thought!

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