
By Marionb

Love Is In The Air....

..Down at the Lake....

I had a much more pleasant day today (!) and had a chance to actually visit with my daughter and SIL. Despite the cloudy, dull day, we went down to my favourite spot at Lynde Shores..It was not the greatest day for scenic shots ..not much colour ..a very grey day, better suited for close-ups...but even then, they could be pretty colourless too! 

BUT.. there was pair of Northern Shovelers..he, of course, looking very dapper in his multi-coloured coat..she, on the other hand, looking rather conservative in her classic beige..But it was so heartwarming to see the loving couple just cruising around together...apparently Northern Shovelers are monogamous and remain together longer than pairs of most other dabbling ducks?..which was news to me.. I didn't even know what a dabbling duck was! Like, in what does it dabble? (had to look that up!)  Whatever... how wonderful to see monogamous couples ....dabbling, yes, but not in extramarital affairs....

And then along our walk on the beach, we came across a pair of geese, in the process of starting a family..the female was constructing her nest, whilst hubby stood on guard...But it seems their first egg had already arrived before the nest was ready! I understand that geese lay one egg every one to two days? (had to look that up too) So, this mom had some work to do before number two arrived!...and that would just be the beginning..For moms, the work is never done! But she would have hubby by her side..Seems that Canada geese are also monogamous and mate for life - no divorce in those families! Who knew? 

It was really fun for me to have my daughter and SIL with me today. They are real bird lovers and take wonderful photos..Of course, other than taking photos, the most popular thing to do at Lynde Shores is to have chickadees eat out of your of course, they both gave that a try..the chickadees co-operated especially with my daughter, but the cardinals, swans and red-winged blackbirds, despite much coaxing, could not be persuaded.. 

It was a trifle chilly at the lake, so we didn't stay all that long..and just as we were deciding it was time to head back to the car to warm up, the rains came! Put a bit of a damper on things...but we went home with lots of photos... and blips for me! 

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