
By GrahamMcArthur


Not a good day. It is after midnight and its been a long, long day. Thought I wouldn't get a blip in at all. Everything was cool at work today. Even things at home were OK for a change. Then after the usual dinner crap - eating is so over rated - I tried to check out blip, but it no let me! Page wouldn't load. Four hours later and after almost cleaning out my entire computer and several tweets to blip I am back in business. I need sleep.

As you can see the pooch couldn't care less about my woes. The dog's name is Daisy - I refuse to call her that - obvious reasons, so she is known as Boof-Head mostly, or Stupid and sometimes Bozo. So I have not touched the camera all day, its very late and I am buggered and just want to sleep and Boof-Head here is snoring totally oblivious to everything. A quick snap with the phone is all I can manage. Very low light because my daughter was hiding in the dark just incase I tried to take her picture....sigh....

This straight from the phone and the back ground did come out black as shown here. In fact all I did was reduce the saturation from the only light in the corner of the room. To help pretend it was planned I extended the 'canvas' vertically and continued with the black. These two tweaks took about 30 seconds using Photoshop Touch for iPhone.

Now for that lovely time of the night - sleep and forty winks. Bye for now.

40 Facts about sleep. zzzz

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