
By KathyH58

Apr 8

Bird porn, lol!!
Garden cleanup this morning, then merchandising jobs this afternoon. When I finished, it was windy and cold, so I stopped at the local duck pond to see what was around there for photos today.  Caught these 2 pigeons having some fun on the trail. At least he was having fun, not so sure if she was.
One of my cats is sleeping on the desk in front of me right now. Her head is resting on my phone, It's a good thing she wasn't there about 15 minutes ago, there was an emergency alert. I'm not sure where things would have landed, had she been there. She scared herself this morning, lol. A keeps some cases of water stacked in his room, they were 3 cases high, then the 4th case had 4 bottles left in the plastic. Peaches reached up at them, and the bottles fell over. I guess she bounced off the wall and disappeared down the hallway. A said he didn't see her again till I came home a couple hours later. She is great entertainment.

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