End of the day

I started work really early today. I was awake on and off from about 3am, so it made sense to get started early. Tookum a cup ofntea up at 9. Midday mum had an appointment with a clinician and Manda came over.

A few more hours work, then I clocked off early and we went to Hertford with some paperwork for the solicitor. On our way back we had half an hour at Van Hague before it closed, so did some very quick browsing. I bought a birthday present for mum, and she bought a curry plant for herself (very strong curry scent, and pretty light coloured foliage - like a lavender) and also paid for 2 plants for me. A tiny leafed fern and a giant poppy. I just can't stop acquiring plants!

Feeling tired now, so I think I'll sleep better tonight. Granchester then bed.

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