Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2022 Wednesday — Hello Summer

I know what Indian Summer is, but what is the summer called that happens in early spring? I don't know but we've got it.

We woke this morning to warm dry clear air and the wind beginning to blow. We knew we were in for an uncomfortably hot day. And unfortunately we were right.

We had a 12 noon appointment in San Luis Obispo. Mr. Fun was not feeling tiptop, so as he was driving us there, he asked if I’d drive. He pulled the car over and we exchanged positions; I took the driver's seat and he rode shotgun.

After my appointment we came right back home and did mostly nothing the remainder of the day, except to stay in the path of the air our ceiling fans were stirring.

This has been Wednesday Warm.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun) aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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