I Am A Tiny Person

My Dear Princess and Dear Friends, 

Thank you to Hani for today's blip. Because honestly, I have nothing for you. It was a very quiet day and I cannot think of any stories to recall.

I did have a brief phone chat with Shenée. She told me she was full of energy after her day at work and needed to "speak to someone she loves" about it. 

Just saying, Princess.

This prompted me to tell her my story from earlier this week. She howled with laughter and said that the Princess is her new hero. 


And then Fazzy sent me this adorable picture which Hani had apparently left in Fazzy's bed. It made me laugh out loud. 

Coincidentally enough, I have just finished writing a story for the children about a man who keeps shrinking to the size of a mouse then growing to the size of a tree and back again. 

But because I am me, it is all about the fact that this means he is NUDE for most of the story. At one point he grabs a cloud from out of the sky to cover his willy. 

I sometimes wonder if I am a bad influence. But surely not. Willies are just FUNNY, right? 


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